Mirror Mirror (and hidden initials)

Mirror Mirror (and hidden initials)

Alex Gard was the caricaturist at the famous (still operating) Manhattan eatery – Sardi’s. Gard drew film legend Joan Crawford, as did Vitch.

Gard’s caricature of Crawford is a wink at the star’s jealousy of Greta Garbo, whom she is viewing in the mirror. It is also a nod at Snow White and the envious queen. Gossip columns in the 1930’s reported that Crawford was obsessed with Garbo and her stardom.

Gard’s caricature tells a story of Hollywood’s tough competition between actresses.

Vitch’s caricature captures Crawford’s complex persona, omitting some details, leaving the viewer room to complete it on their own.

You can read more about the celebrity caricaturists of that era in the upcoming Vitch book by Sigal Bujman.

FYI- In the Vitch caricature, Crawford’s initials are hidden in her face. (The J is her chin and the C is one of her curls).


“The Man is a Genius”!

“The Man is a Genius”!

When Vitch went to NY in 1931 he started drawing caricatures of clients at a famous Manhattan Speakeasy. These were the Depression years in America but Vitch not only managed to earn good money (a fortune at the time) but he also caught the attention of a journalist who upon seeing his work called him “genius”.

More on that in the upcoming Vitch book!

In the meantime, please visit our expanding gallery page on our website, where you can see Vitch’s work and the stars that he perfectly captured in a few strokes of black lines.

VITCH – In Uruguay

As we are starting our round of film festivals, I’m happy to report that the screening in Montevideo, Uruguay, was a great success. The director of the film festival said it was a small crowd as expected in the documentary genre but the response to the movie was excellent! I could not go this time but will attend the next screening events around the world, along with some of the participants in the movie and family members of Vitch,
Will keep you updated of course!