Vitch’s Daughter In local News!
Vitch – documentary movie by Director Sigal Bujman
Tickets available online and at the door.
(article appears page 4 – Inner West Courier Newspaper)
Tickets available online and at the door.
(article appears page 4 – Inner West Courier Newspaper)
If you are in Newton in the coming weeks drop into the Milkbar cafe and Grill, next to the Dendy cinemas, to see a selection of Eddie Vitch’s caricatures. These iconic caricatures once adorned the walls at the Hollywood Brown Derby in LA. Vitch was working there during the 30s and got to know many of the great celebrities and stars of the day. For Vitch, it was a delightful interlude before being deported back to Europe where he spent the rest of the war finding resourceful ways to avoid being arrested by the Nazis. As a Jew, this was no mean feat, but he survived and the full story forms part of a documentary directed by Sigal Bujman which premiered at Mill Valley Film Festival in 2017. This exhibition will be on display until the 26th August to correspond with the screening of the Vitch documentary movie at the Dendy Cinema at 3pm on Sunday 26th.
Shani, Eddie’s youngest daughter is seen here with the selection of the famous caricatures. Shani and other family members will be around to chat before and after the movie, but please check out the great display of pictures first at the Milkbar Cafe. For more information or to watch the trailer visit vitchmovie.com or Book Here for movie.