All proceeds will go towards raising awareness at seminars, festivals, schools, universities or conferences all around the world, where the documentary Vitch will be shown.  We think it is important to keep alive stories about the Holocaust and what it means to be a refugee.  The focus on family, refugees and displacement, anti-antisemitism, inter-generational trauma, and survival are as relevant today as they were in the 1940s.  Help us to promote Vitch and all it stands for : Art as a means of survival and the search for a place to belong.

We welcome your donation – Simply click the Donate button to be taken to PayPal or Credit Card donations.  Choose the amount you wish to donate and you will have contributed towards helping the documentary Vitch to reach audiences around the world.

Photo from recent United World College in  Santa Ana Downtown, Costa Rica. Audience response to Vitch Screening was positive and lively discussions with students ensued. Our thanks to UWC Costa Rica